The need for speed in fixing bugs, checking the performance of applications, comparing different versions of code, customizing result displays, bringing out well aligned design elements are all part and parcel of a developers daily grind. Here, I have given six Lotus Notes Developer Tools which will help every Lotus Notes Developer do his job with finesse.Lotus Notes Developer Tools

  1. XPage Debug Toolbar: (Free)
    This toolbar from OpenNTF allows you to log messages from SSJS & Java Beans code, check the contents of the various scopes individually and comes with an API inspector. You can even clock the time taken to run your application with different codes!!! With just a few magical clicks, you get a cool custom control – the ccDebugToolbar added into your XPage and the xpDebugToolbar into your Script Library. The screenshot given below shows how the API Inspector from the XPage Debug Toolbar can help in inspecting an application on XPage.
  2. XPages ToolBox: (Free)
    This tool from OpenNTF comes with a full fledged CPU profiler, a backend profiler, a memory inspector, a run time monitor and a logging option. By deploying it on the server, you have the facility to check the performance of your application in real time. The memory inspector gives you the size of memory dumps that have been made. The Run Time Monitor allows you to understand the memory usage that each session takes up!!
  3. Noteman:(Premium)
    This toolbar from Martin Scott comes with a plethora of features which allows you to do your work in a few clicks of the mouse instead of writing agents. Be it adding or removing design elements from a design-hidden database or exporting entire databases to XML, Noteman helps you to get at the solution in a jiffy. Notemancontains dozens of integrated Notes utilities for everyday development, testing and administration.
  4. Workspace Populator: (Free)
    This tool from Virtual Objectives gives you a fast and simple way to populate a users workspace with his database icons if his workspace has been corrupted or lost. It allows users to search for all databases they have access to (maximum of 200) and add them to their workspace. It includes features to switch to the workspace and compact it.
  5. TextPad: (Premium)
    This is an award winning Text Editor for Windows, which has a host of versatile features. In addition to the usual cut, copy and paste capabilities, selected text can be case shifted and block indented, and characters, words and lines can be transposed. It comes with a Block (column) selection mode, and visible display of tabs and spaces and a keystroke macro recorder, with up to 16 active macros. Text can be automatically aligned and indented, relative to the previous line, to aid block indentation. We use this tool extensively to compare the changes that were made in different versions of our code.
  6. WonderWebWare Screen Ruler (Premium)
    This tool allows you to measure the distance between two points on your screen, get the exact location and size of an element on a web page, measure in pixels, Centimeters or Millimeters, both horizontally and vertically. It is especially useful when you need to double check the alignments in your design.

What Lotus Notes Developer Tools do you use? Give us your suggestions in the comments section.